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Holographic Universe Hologram knowledge1 Hologram knowledge2 Hologram knowledge3 Hologram basic
Holography refers to a novel photographic technique of recording all the information of the subject is the amplitude and phase of the reflected wave. The ordinary photography is the recording surface of the object light intensity distribution, it can not record the phase information of the object of the reflected light, thus losing the three-dimensional sense.
Hologram l ighting source
Holography using a laser as a light source, and light from the source is divided into two beams, a bunch directly directed to the photosensitive sheet, another bunch reflection object and then directed to the photosensitive sheet. The two light beams on the photosensitive sheet superposed interference the photosensitive extent of each point on the photosensitive film is not only with the intensity with the phase relationship of the two light beams with different. Holography not only records the reflective intensity on the object, the phase information is also recorded. The human eye directly look at the negatives of this photosensitive only see the fringes like fingerprints, but if it is irradiated with laser, the human eye through the film you can see the original shooting the same three-dimensional objects like. A hologram picture, even if left with only a small part, can still reproduce all the scenery. Holography can be applied to many aspects of industrial nondestructive testing, ultrasonic holography, holographic microscopy, hologram memory, hologram film and television. Generated hologram principle can be traced back to 300 years ago, it was also done with poor coherent light source test, but it was not until the invention of the laser in 1960-this is the best source of coherent light ─ ─ holography to get faster development . Laser holography is a new technology, it was hailed as a miracle of the 20th century. Its principle was discovered by a Hungarian nationality British physicist Dennis Gabor in 1947, it is completely different and ordinary photographic principle. Until 10 years later, the American physicist Leif and in Pat the Nyx invented laser hologram to practical application. It can be said, hologram is the product of the combination of information storage and laser technology. Laser holography consists of two steps: recording and reproduction.
Laser hologram records
1. The hologram recording process is: dividing the laser beam into two beams; laser beam projected directly on the photosensitive film, known as the reference beam;
Another laser beam projected on the object, the object as reflection or transmission, to carry the relevant information of the object, known as the object beam object beam is also projected in the same area of the photosensitive film has been treated on the photosensitive film on the object beam and reference beam coherent superposition, to form interference fringes, which completed a hologram.
Laser hologram photography reproduction
2. The hologram reconstruction: frequency and transmission direction of the laser beams with a beam of laser hologram should be exactly the same with the reference beam, so they can reproduce the three-dimensional image of the object. People look from different angles, you can see the different sides of the object, as if to see real objects, and just a touch less than the real object. Holographic imaging is cutting-edge technology, hologram and conventional photographic plane image recorded on the film is not three-dimensional objects, but the light field. The conventional photographic records only the reflected beat changes in light intensity of the surface, i.e. only the amplitude of the recording light, the hologram is recorded all the information of the lightwave also recorded, unless the amplitude of the outer the FIG phase of the lightwave. I.e. the lightwave field of the three-dimensional object all of the information stored in the recording medium.
Hologram principle
The hologram principle is "a system in principle, it borders on the number of degrees of freedom to fully describe" a new basic principles based on the quantum nature of the black hole. In fact, the basic principle is to contact quantum yuan combination of quantum theory and quantum bit. Mathematical proof, how many dimensional space-time, there are that many quantum yuan; how many quantum yuan, there is the number of quantum bits. Together they form the matrix-like space-time finite set, that is, the set of permutations. Holographic incomplete, said selected number of permutations Select an empty set with the election of the full array duality. Certain dimension of space-time hologram completely equivalent to less number of permutations of a quantum bit Holographic; This is similar to the "quantum error avoiding coding theory, a fundamental solution to the system of of encoding quantum computing error calculation error problem. The time and space of the quantum computation, double conjugate coding of the the similar biological DNA double helix structure, it is real and imaginary, positive and negative double conjugate the coding organization together quantum computer. This can be called the "biological space-time learning", which "entropy", similar to "macro entropy" not only refers to the degree of disorder, but also refers to a range. Time does not refer to a range? "From life", it should mean. Therefore, all of the location and time are all range. The position of "entropy" as an area of "entropy" time "entropy" as the thermodynamic arrow "entropy". Second, similar to the N Number of sub-elements and an N number sub bit binary Ordering determinant or matrix with the number N of rows and N number of columns of a similar binary Ordering, one of which is not the same, is determinant or matrix ratio N Quantum element and N the number of sub-bit binary arrangement less a quantum bit, whether this is similar to the hologram principle, N the number of sub-element and N the number of sub-bit binary arrangement is an integrable system, it's any dynamics are low similar to a quantum field theory of N number of rows and N series determinant or matrix to describe it? Mathematics may be able to prove or inquiry. .JPG)
Holography refers to a novel photographic technique of recording all the information of the subject is the amplitude and phase of the reflected wave. The ordinary photography is the recording surface of the object light intensity distribution, it can not record the phase information of the object of the reflected light, thus losing the three-dimensional sense. Holography using a laser as the illumination light hologram techniques
Source, and the light from the source is divided into two beams, bouquet directly directed to the photosensitive sheet, another bunch reflection object and then directed to the photosensitive sheet. The two light beams on the photosensitive sheet superposed interference the photosensitive extent of each point on the photosensitive film is not only with the intensity with the phase relationship of the two light beams with different. Holography not only records the reflective intensity on the object, the phase information is also recorded. The human eye directly look at the negatives of this photosensitive only see the fringes like fingerprints, but if it is irradiated with laser, the human eye through the film you can see the original shooting the same three-dimensional objects like. A hologram picture, even if left with only a small part, can still reproduce all the scenery. Holography can be applied to many aspects of industrial nondestructive testing, ultrasonic holography, hologram microscopy, hologram memory, hologram film and television.
Hologram Shooting
Shooting requirements in order to shoot a satisfactory hologram photo shoot system must meet the following requirements:
The light source must be coherent light source
Holography is based on the principle of interference of light, so they requested that the light source must have good coherence know by the previous analysis. Holographic technology.
The emergence of the laser light for the hologram of an ideal light source. This is good because the laser coherence, He-Ne laser used in the experiment, with its shooting small diffuse object, get a good spatial coherence and time of the hologram.
Holographic system stability
Since the hologram recorded on the interference fringe, and is a thin, dense, interference fringes, minimal interference will cause the blurring of interference fringes in the photographic process, and even the interference fringes can not be recorded. Example, shooting film displacement of a micron, the stripes on a confusion, the hologram experiment station is shockproof. Table hologram optics magnetic firmly sucked on countertops steel. Further, the airflow through the optical path, the acoustic interference, and temperature changes will cause changes in the density of the surrounding air. Therefore, the exposure should prohibit loud noises, can not move around freely, the entire lab absolute quiet. Our experience is that each group tuned optical path, the students left the bench stable after a minute, and then came to light at the same time, to get a better effect.
Object light and reference light should meet.
Object light and reference light, an optical path difference should be as small as possible, preferably equal to the optical path of the two beams of light, up to not more than 2cm, adjusting the optical path with twine amount; the angle between the two-speed light at 30 ° ~ 60 °, preferably at about 45 °, because the angle is small, interference fringes on the thin, so that the lower the resolution requirements of the system stability and the photosensitive material; two light beams of the light intensity ratio should be appropriate, generally requires can be between 1:1 to 1:10, the light intensity ratio measured with a silicon photovoltaic cell out.
Using high-resolution hologram
Because recorded on the hologram backsheet is a thin, dense interference fringes, so the photosensitive material requires high-resolution. Ordinary photographic uses photosensitive film due to coarse particles of silver compounds can only record 50 to 100 per millimeter of stripes, the photosensitive film Tianjin plant the production of I-type hologram dry plate, with a resolution of up to 3000 per mm, can meet hologram photographic requirements.
Holographic photo of flushing process
The washing process is also critical. We follow the recipe requires dispensing with the developer, stop bath and fixer and bleach solution. The above several prescriptions are required to use distilled water, but the experiment proved successful with pure water preparation. The flushing process in the darkroom, the drug solution should never see the light and kept at room temperature about 20 ℃ rinse the preparation time drug solution custody properly, can be use in a month or so.